Consumers can file complaints against any licensed massage therapist should they believe any inappropriate conduct, legal, or ethical violation occurred relating to massage therapy. While the Federation is comprised of licensing boards and agencies, each licensing board and agency has their process for handling consumer complaints. To find out how to appropriately file a complaint in your state, please contact your state licensing board or agency. For more information on the complaint process in your state, please find your state regulatory entity below, and you will be directed to their complaint process and associated documentation.


AlabamaLouisiana Oklahoma
AlaskaMaine Oregon
ArizonaMaryland Pennsylvania
Arkansas Massachusetts Puerto Rico
California Michigan Rhode Island
Colorado Mississippi South Carolina
Connecticut Missouri South Dakota
Delaware Montana Tennessee
District of Columbia Nebraska Texas
Florida Nevada US Virgin Islands
Georgia New Hampshire Utah 
Hawaii New Jersey Virginia
Idaho New Mexico Washington
Illinois New York West Virginia
Indiana North Carolina Wisconsin
Iowa North Dakota
Kentucky Ohio State