Regulation exists to ensure the protection of the public. Massage therapists provide treatment to clients through touch to manipulate the soft tissue of the body. Massage therapists seek to relieve pain, improve one’s circulation, relieve stress, help rehabilitate injuries and support client wellness.

Nearly 300,000 massage therapy practitioners are regulated across the United States. In the majority of states, practitioners must be licensed to practice though the specific massage regulations and requirements differ in each state/territory.  In general, licensed therapists have completed postsecondary massage education including clinical experience, passed the national Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination (MBLEx) which assesses entry level ability to practice safely and competently, and complete continuing education to demonstrate ongoing professional competence.

The following information summarizes the regulatory landscape in the United States:

Licensure required in 49 states/territories: Mandatory (education, competence exam, continuing education)

Registration required in Vermont: Mandatory (no education, no competence exam, no continuing education)

Certification optional in California: Voluntary (education, no competence exam, no continuing education)

No state regulation in Kansas, Minnesota and Wyoming (no practitioner requirements, no regulatory oversight or path for consumer recourse)


Additionally, some states/territories attempt to regulate the profession through voluntary certification. Oftentimes, these voluntary certification requirements amount to the same requirements found in entry-level licensure, educational and examination components. However, in voluntary certification jurisdictions, it is entirely voluntary as to whether or not a practitioner decides to obtain such classification. While it is encouraged, some practitioners will choose not to acquire this certification due to their lack of appropriate knowledge of the massage and bodywork field. Consequently, we encourage any public consumer to check out your state/territory’s requirements for licensure or voluntary certification and ensure your practitioner has the appropriate credentials to practice safely on the public.


The FSMTB wants to ensure that public consumers of massage and bodywork services have adequate knowledge about what it means to be a massage and bodywork practitioner so as to aid in the experience of seeking treatment. Most importantly, FSMTB wants to ensure that the public is aware of the requirements for licensure for each state and that resources are available to check the license status of your practitioner. For more information, please visit your state’s licensing board or agency by clicking the link below.